Arranging Beasts

Monday, February 06, 2006

Chapter Two

I open my door, put my backpack on the bed and take out volume 3 of Dark Angel Neversleep. Wanting to relax before dinner, I flop down on the bed and start reading right away.

Dark Angel Neversleep has been captured by the Stalinist Revotionary guard. In fact, he's being held in a scientific time-camp. Outside the sky is a dark watercolor and Dark Angel Neversleep is left to ponder his fate. By this point he has realized that the guards must have taken his Dark technologies while he was unconscious. He strains his ears to search for the high frequency locator whistle that would sound as soon as his Dark technology belt failed to syncronize with his heartbeart.

His well trained hearing grasps out like a blind hand - groping for that reassuring whistle. He hears the boots of a Revolutionary guard on the wet gravel outside. He picks up the creak of a door on an outhouse. A bird flits the air with it's wings, and far behind this all, Dark Angel Neversleep picks up the tiniest shrill whistle of his Dark technologies locating device. All is not lost.


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